Case Studies / Blogs

Case Studies

With a comprehensive understanding of GC Partners’ needs, idash was able to develop a hosting solution on their private cloud server that offered the security and reliability required.

Since 2011, idash has supported GC Partners…


Financial Services

idash recognised an area where Giggs & Company could modernise the way their data was shared and accessed. Working collaboratively they were able to establish and streamline the process of accessing company information and data remotely, in a way that is both secure and efficient…


Property Services

Tackwood Services needed an IT support partner to take over their ongoing support services and provide advice on connectivity solutions. idash, utilising their one-size does not fit all philosophy, reviewed the existing IT and connectivity set-up at Tackwood Services…


Motoring Services

Handtmann and their team were in search of a trusted IT support partner who could seamlessly integrate with their systems and provide first-class support whenever necessary…


Food Manufacturer

idash worked in partnership with the team at Ensqynq to fully review how their IT solutions were being utilised at the time. This initial groundwork allowed idash to create a tailored plan for their IT solutions, to lessen any IT roadblocks and ease workflow processes…..


CNC Manufacturer


Read Our Latest Articles
Why server infrastructure is like making a pizza

I wanted to share some insights regarding On-Prem versus Cloud solutions, and how these factors can impact your organisation.

Pizza Analogy: We’ve often likened server infrastructure to making a pizza. On-Prem is like baking a pizza from scratch, where you control everything, from the dough (rack space) to the sauce (networking) and cheese (server hardware). In contrast, the Cloud is more like ordering a ready-made pizza, where you focus on the toppings (applications) while the base and ingredients are managed by the Cloud provider.


What’s Inside That Box on the Office Wall?

Have you ever wondered what’s inside that mysterious cabinet on the wall of your office?

You may have walked past it a hundred times, but have you ever wondered what’s hiding behind those closed doors? It’s time to discover the crucial components that keep your office connected, secure, and thriving.

Let’s look behind the scenes of your office network.


Why isn’t your Wi-Fi working?

How often do you get frustrated because your Wi-Fi connection has dropped out?

The biggest question we hear is WHY!?

We would like to highlight a few key factors that can block or affect Wi-Fi signals. Let us break down the answer


Do you have ‘superfast broadband,’ but it always seems sluggish in reality

Baffled by broadband!

Are you finding yourself baffled by discussions surrounding broadband speeds and the myriad of acronyms such as FTTP and ADSL that are banded around?

And what’s the deal with broadband providers promising ‘superfast broadband,’ but it always seems sluggish in reality?

Keep reading, and we’ll demystify all things related to broadband, helping you find the perfect broadband solution for your business without breaking the bank.


Ready to take your business communication to the next level?

FACT – By 2025 your landline will stop working, introducing the solution!

In the fast-paced world of business, staying ahead of the curve is not just a choice, but a necessity. That’s why we wanted to introduce you to an exciting innovation that can transform the way your company communicates, VOIP services

Imagine a world where your business communication isn’t restricted by outdated phone lines, expensive long-distance charges, or the limitations of traditional phone systems. With Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP), you can unlock a realm of possibilities that will elevate your business communication to new heights.

Here’s why businesses across the globe are embracing VOIP services:


When did you last test your backup?

Are You Tired of Constantly Hearing About Data Backups and The Potential Costs Associated With Not backing up Your Data?

Let’s take a moment to understand why this topic may seem repetitive.
(Boring Bit) -Data backups are a critical aspect of any organisation’s data management and security strategy. They serve as a safety net to protect your valuable information from a myriad of potential risks, including hardware failures, accidental deletions, cyberattacks, and natural disasters. Without proper backups, the loss of crucial data can have severe consequences on your business- But you know all this already.

Consider the following scenarios:


Do you need flexible IT support, with hours to suit you?

Do you have the IT support cover you need during the holiday season?

Are you prepared for uninterrupted IT support during the upcoming holiday season?
We understand the importance of maintaining seamless operations even when your in-house IT resource is away enjoying a well-deserved break.
That’s why we’re here to offer a solution that allows you to relax while we take care of your IT needs.


Simplify IT Management in 2024

Managing IT responsibilities can be daunting and time consuming.

Successfully managing IT responsibilities requires more than a surface-level understanding of technology. You need to align technical decisions with business goals. All while juggling the demands of daily tasks. Unfortunately, in many business settings, IT often finds itself at the bottom of the to do list.

idash, offer a cost-effective solution to address these concerns!


Identify and Mitigate Potential Security Risks

Protect your people, devices and data without expensive software, or an in-house team.

Vulnerability scanning is designed to assess your corporate network thoroughly, identifying and addressing potential cyber risks before they become a threat.

Find out the key benefits of our Vulnerability Scanning Service


Enhance the Performance of your Servers and Network Infrastructure

Unleash the Power of Server and Network Monitoring 

Modern businesses rely on key IT services to ensure smooth operations. If these were to go offline, it could spell disaster, disrupting the processing of data and flow of revenue.

We understand the complexities you face in maintaining a robust IT infrastructure.


Revolutionise your Workplace Connectivity with State-of-the-art Networking and Wi-Fi

Businesses increasingly rely on interconnected systems

The ability to effectively manage networks and Wi-Fi has become indispensable. Welcome to the next instalment in our ‘IT Manager in a Box’ series, Networking and Wi-Fi.

By addressing the considerations in this article, IT managers can deploy Wi-Fi networks that deliver reliable performance, seamless connectivity, and robust security for users across diverse environments.


Unlocking the full potential of your Microsoft 365 licencing.

Microsoft 365 that can transform your business operations.

Learn how Microsoft 365’s cloud-based platform has revolutionised remote work and explore the functionalities and pricing of its diverse applications. Click the link below to delve into this insightful analysis and stay ahead in your digital transformation journey.


Master the art of business continuity in turbulent times

Disruptions are not just inevitable; they’re expected.

Imagine a scenario where a cyber-attack compromises critical systems, disrupting day-to-day operations and eroding customer trust.

Business continuity is the key to ensuring organisations can sustain operations amidst turmoil.


Navigating Through Disasters: A Comprehensive Guide to Disaster Recovery

In an era where digital disruptions are becoming increasingly common, the ability to recover swiftly from disasters is vital for businesses to thrive.

Discover how businesses can effectively navigate through disruptions


Simplifying IT Management: The Importance of Patch Management

Patch management is a crucial line of defense for any organisation. 

It is the process of ensuring that devices, including service firewalls and Wi-Fi management systems, are updated with the latest security software packages. However, its significance often goes unnoticed until a security breach occurs.


Take proactive steps now to secure your IT infrastructure

Investing in robust security measures today can safeguard your organisation from the evolving threats of tomorrow. Don’t wait until it’s too late—take proactive steps now to secure your IT infrastructure and protect your valuable data.


The Global IT Outage of July 26, 2024: A Wake-Up Call for Businesses Everywhere

Discover how the global IT outage on July 26, 2024, exposed our deep reliance on technology and learn how to protect your business from future disruptions.


The Global IT Outage was the cause of an update to antivirus software implemented by Cyber-security firm CrowdStrike, which is designed to protect Microsoft Windows devices from malicious attacks.

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Server room
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.